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Topics with the keyword course design

Design Strategy - Chunking

Design for learner success by applying "chunking" to your lessons and content. Chunking is based on cognitive psychology and memory science and aims to maximize retention of information. While all do it to some degree intuitively, this page will explain how to chunk your class for optimized learning.

Design for Findability

Findability refers to the ease with which students can locate course materials and tools. It's easier than you think to accidentally hide course elements from students. Learn how to increase findability to help students succeed.

Introduction to UDL

What is UDL? Learn the key principles and philosophy of Universal Design for Learning crucial for applying UDL to your course design.

Designing Classroom and Online Activities

Make hybrid learning more effective by learning which types of activities work best during in-class time and which are best for after-class online learning for students in hybrid classes.

Scaffolding Online Student Learning

Scaffolding generally can be thought of as a method of sequencing instructional content so that learners acquire knowledge that will help them approach the next learning materials in the sequence.

50 Alternatives to Lecture

Looking for techniques to replace lecture in your online class? Ever feel like you might be talking too much and not hearing student voices enough? Want to make your course content more student-centered, active, inclusive, and/or interactive?

Active Learning

One of the most powerful strategies in all of education, Active learning allows interaction with the content, classmates, and instructors in ways that allow students to negotiate meaning, engage higher order thinking skills, and investigate concepts.

Key Strategy - Online Discussions

Learn best practices and tips on how to plan, structure, participate in, and grade your online discussions.

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